Almost any job’s performance and productivity are significantly impacted by an employee’s health, regardless of the industry we examine. This afterward affects the performance of the companies. Fit workers will, after all, be better able to contribute and will require less time off from work. The profitability of a firm would then be directly related to the wellbeing of its personnel, which isn’t a sweep.

It is encouraging to see employers from a variety of industries recognizing this and requiring pre-employment health examinations as part of the selection procedure before hiring any applicant. This not only enables a thorough assessment of the potential employee’s health fitness for the position, but it also lessens the possibility of harm due to physical, environmental, or situational dangers.

The Most Common Factors Examined During Pre-Employment Medical Examinations at Asian Plus Medical Center

A few common elements are a required component of these medical exams. These comprise:

  • Medical history is used to identify and rule out any current or potential medical issues that could have an impact on performance and safety.
  • BMI, cardiovascular and respiratory healths are all examined as part of the general medical examination of candidates.
  • Check your vision to see whether you have any visual impairment, such as color blindness.
  • Testing for drugs and alcohol to determine blood levels of legal or illegal substances.
  • Functional evaluations according to the employment role.
  • Check your blood for communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • Immunizations, which can lessen or completely eliminate the risk of illnesses.

Top four Advantages of a Pre-Employment Health Check at Asian Plus Medical Center

Greater Productivity

Compared to someone who might need to take frequent leave of absence to take care of health problems or injuries, a healthy employee will be better able to contribute to the company’s success. Additionally, by anticipating possible health issues, both the employer and the business may handle them more effectively.

Select the appropriate applicant

A candidate’s physical and mental suitability for the position should also be considered, in addition to their skills and prior job experience. A pre-employment medical examination can significantly reduce the risk that an inappropriate applicant poses to the safety of himself, other team members, and potentially the entire organization.

Savings on expenses related to long-term health

Finding the correct fit and drastically lowering the risk of workplace injuries can be accomplished by conducting specific functional assessments. As a result, the business will be able to cut down on, and perhaps even completely avoid, insurance expenses and compensation claims resulting from occupational illness, accident, or mental problems.

Decreased Risks at Work

A better job allocation and reduced safety hazards for the employee and others will result from having a comprehensive awareness of the physical capabilities of team members. Additionally, this can assist your business in adhering to the safety standards established for your sector.


So, a pre-employment health check up is necessary for any broad company and also to a person if you are planning to provide a work or applying for a work respectively.

We can say that there are various advantages for pre-employment health check up including hiring right candidate, greater productivity in work, decreased risks factors in work and others.

Visit Asian Plus Medical Center in Kathmandu or call Asian Plus for further details. We perform pre-employment health check-ups at Asian Plus Medical Center, provide Fit To Work certificate,  and we offer one of the best services in Samakhusi, Kathmandu, Nepal. Just contact us at 01-4982174 or write to us in


Looking for FIT TO WORK Certificate in Nepal?

Our professionals at Asian Plus Medical Center in Samakhusi, Kathmandu provide you the certificate. Our certificate is accepted by all employers in Nepal.

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