You can obtain your “Fit To Work” certificate at Asian Plus Medical Center, Kathmandu based on your individual requirements, or we can design a unique series of tests particularly for you.

You can bring in your own medical needs in accordance with the policies and regulations of your organization, or you can confer with our medical doctor and undergo the suggested tests. A medical evaluation known as “Fitness To Work” or “Fit To Work” verifies that a worker is healthy and capable of carrying out a particular task or job in a safe manner.

This test’s objective is to determine whether an employee is capable of working in the given conditions and surroundings. After an illness or injury, a “Fit To Work” evaluation is typically conducted to assess the employee’s medical fitness.

Other times, it is done when a job has been offered, at the employer’s request, or as a requirement for a job transfer.


How to get “Fit to Work” Medical Certificate in Nepal?

Step 1: Contact Asian Plus Medical Center team and we will get you.

Step 2 : Get your fit to work medical certificate.

It is that easy.

You are one call away from the fit to work certificate. And Asian Plus Clinic will get you the required fit to work certificate. Contact Asian Plus team at 01-4982174 or you can also mail at

How to get fit to work medical certificate by contacting at Asian Plus Medical Center in Samakhusi, Kathmandu?

Step 1: Call our Asian plus team.

Step 2: We will provide you the exact location accessible by Taxi, Bus, or even Pathao, or Tootle.

Step 3: We will check you up as required at Asian Plus Medical Center in Samakhusi, Kathmandu with your consent.

Step 4: Finally, Asian Plus Medical Center will provide you with fit to work certificate or deliver the report directly to your employer .

So, check out Asian Plus Medical Center to get fit to work certificate.

Looking for FIT TO WORK Certificate in Nepal?

Our professionals at Asian Plus Medical Center in Samakhusi, Kathmandu provide you the certificate. Our certificate is accepted by all employers in Nepal.

Our Credentials

logo of government of nepal's ministry of labour & employment

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Samakhusi, Kathmandu (Near All Nepal Hospital)