The viral illness dengue, which is spread by mosquitoes, has recently become very widespread around the world and in Nepal also.

Dengue is a fast spreading disease in Nepal. The spread of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus vectors, as well as human movement and the introduction of imported cases, are the main causes of the recent rise in dengue incidence, which is an endemic disease in most provinces. In Nepal, all 4 dengue serotypes are present, with DENV-1 historically causing the greatest burden. 

Dengue fever can be brought on by any of the four-dengue viruses. The presence of an infected person won’t make you contact dengue fever directly. Instead, mosquito bites spread dengue illness.

Causes of Dengue Virus

Both inside and outside of residential buildings, the two mosquito species most usually responsible for transmitting dengue viruses are common. When a mosquito bites a person with dengue, it picks up the virus that causes the illness. The virus then enters the victim’s circulation and starts an infection when the infected mosquito bites someone else.

After recovering from dengue fever, you are permanently immune to the virus type that caused your infection, but not to the other three dengue fever virus types. This implies that you could later contract one of the other three virus kinds. If you acquire dengue fever a second, third, or fourth time, your likelihood of acquiring severe dengue fever rises.

Symptoms of Dengue 

The following symptoms, which can appear four to six days after infection and linger for up to ten days, may be experienced:

  • Acutely high fever
  • Heavy headaches
  • Eyesight discomfort
  • Significant joint and muscle discomfort
  • Fatigue\Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Two to five days following the commencement of a fever, a skin rash may develop.
  • Little bleeding (such a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)

Treatment of Dengue Fever

Dengue infection cannot be treated with a particular drug. Use acetaminophen-containing painkillers if you suspect you have dengue fever and stay away from aspirin-containing medications because they may magnify bleeding. Along with seeing your doctor, you should also get plenty of rest and hydration. Get to a hospital right away to be assessed for complications if you start to feel worse in the first 24 hours after your fever goes down.

Prevention of Dengue Fever and Infection

The best approach to avoid diminishing the illness is to avoid mosquito bites, especially if you reside in or are visiting a tropical region. In order to do this, take precautions and work to reduce the mosquito population. 

You have to do the following things for your own safety:

  • Maintain a cool environment or well-screened housing: The dengue-carrying mosquitoes are most active between dawn and dusk, but they can also bite at night.
  • Put on a suit of armor: Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks, and shoes when entering regions where there are mosquitoes.
  • Make use of insect repellant. Your shoes, clothing, camping gear, and bed nets can all be treated with permethrin. Additionally, you can purchase clothing that has permethrin built right in. Use a repellent for your skin that has a DEET concentration of at least 10 percent.
  • Cut back on mosquito habitat: The mosquitoes that transmit the dengue virus usually reside in and near homes, reproducing on still water that can collect in objects like used car tires. By removing mosquito breeding grounds, you can contribute to a reduction in mosquito populations. Empty and clean any containers that retain standing water, including flower vases, animal dishes, and planting pots, at least once each week.


Dengue can be spread through an infected mosquito bite. Its symptoms can be a mild headache to severe bleeding and nausea. So, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, if you experience any severe or mild symptoms for medication. 

In Nepal, dengue is spreading in the current context, so you should certainly avoid mosquito bites and live in a mosquito-free environment. One should use mosquito repellents if there is a mosquito in your area. Moreover, you should take measures to reduce mosquitoes in your area whether by cleaning mosquito- growing areas or by disinfecting those areas.

Asia Plus Medical Center cares for a healthy life. For more information contact Asian Plus or visit Asian Plus Medical Center in Kathmandu physically or online.


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